Available for your concerns at any time.

Contact My offices

High goals and ambitions drive me every day to fight for them in the European Parliament. First and foremost, however, I am an MEP for the people in my home country. This idea is reflected in my MEP offices, which see themselves as a service provider for you as a citizen. My team and I will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions you may have.

You can reach us using the following contact details:

René_Repasi MdEP

Office in Brussels

Parlement européen
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel

Tel. +32 2 28 47466

Office in Strasbourg

Parlement européen
1, avenue du Président Robert Schuman
CS 91024
F-67070 Strasbourg Cedex

Tel. +33 3 88 1 75466

Constituency office Baden

Pforzheimer Straße 21
76227 Karlsruhe

Tel. +49 721 4671 2831

Opening Hours:
Only by appointment

Constituency office Württemberg

Wilhelmsplatz 10
70182 Stuttgart

Tel. +49 711 3653 8029

Opening Hours:
Tu-Th 10:00 h -15:00 h

MY Team:

Offices in Brussels and Strasbourg

Nils Hess

Nils Hess

Head of Office

Nils coordinates my parliamentary work in Brussels and manages my parliamentary office in Brussels and Strasbourg. Together with him, I work on the broad range of topics in the Committee for Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). He brings some Brussels experience to our work, having worked for many years with my predecessor Evelyne Gebhardt as a parliamentary advisor. Before coming to Brussels, Nils studied in Bayreuth, Seoul and Istanbul.

Bianca Bichler

Bianca Bichler

Research assistant

Bianca is currently completing her master’s degrees in International Business Administration and Peace Studies and is the newest addition to my team. The Austrian already brings experience in serving the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the Special Committee on Fiscal Affairs (FISC) from her time as an intern for my colleague Vice President Evelyn Regner.

Daria Schmitz

Daria Schmitz

Research assistant

Daria is currently studying European Law at Leiden University (Netherlands) and works as a parliamentary advisor in my team in Brussels. Here she supports me in my committee work.

Gina Pompilius

Gina Pompilius

Administrative Assistant

Gina is bringing her long time experience as assistant to my office in Brussels. She is mostly taking care of the appointment & event management and administrative functions.

Half french & German, she studied Germanic languages at the University in Strasbourg and worked in France and Germany before settling in Brussels.

Constituency offices in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart

Samet Mutlu

Samet Mutlu

Head of Office

Samet coordinates my work in Baden-Württemberg and manages my two constituency offices in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. He studied economics at the University of Hohenheim and is a city councilor in Sindelfingen.

An Tang

An Tang

Research assistant

An is responsible for general duties in my constituency office, organizes visitor trips and is the contact person for inquiries. In addition to his studies in biology, he has been politically involved for years in the SPD and in the student self-government at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the field of university policy and networking. Currently, he is chairman of the SPD working group Migration and Diversity BW and active in the student council of EUCOR, a trinational university network in the Upper Rhine area.

Paola Sorce

Paola Sorce

Student assistant

Paola is responsible in particular for office work, social media and video editing . She is studying Sociology and Statistics at the University of Mannheim. While studying she is still politically engaged in her region.

Job Offerings

Open Job Offerings

We do not have any open job offerings at the moment. Please feel free to come here again at a later time.

Internships and legal trainees

How does the office of a Member of the European Parliament work? How does the European legislative process work in practice and where do MEPs actually participate? And what is actually going on politically in the “capital” Brussels?

If these are questions that have always interested you or have been on your mind during your studies and you would like to find answers to them during an internship, then you have come to the right place.

Offer for legal trainees: We are accepting applications for 2025.

In my office in Brussels, I would like to give trainee lawyers the opportunity to complete their electoral period.

As a trainee lawyer, you will primarily support me in my parliamentary work in the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO), the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). In addition, you will also have the opportunity to gain an exciting insight behind the scenes of the work in a parliamentary office.

If you are interested in a varied job with a lot of personal responsibility in an international environment and would like to work in a motivated team, please send us your application consisting of a tabular CV and a letter of motivation as a PDF file, as well as the desired period of time to We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have by phone at +32 2 28 38466.

We are currently accepting applications for 2025.

Unfortunately, we categorically cannot consider applications that will cover the period of the parliamentary summer recess.

Offer for internships: Currently all places are filled.

We are not advertising any more internships at the moment. Please feel free to check back here at a later date.

Contact me!

I am glad for every suggestion and question that reaches me as a Member of the European Parliament. We – my team and I –  always try to answer promptly and get back to you in a timely manner. Feel free to follow me on my social media channels to stay up to date!


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