My Goals
For a Europe that serves the people.
A Europe That Serves The People
I aim to advocate for a fair single market that puts the people first and curbs the power of corporations. It is imperative that we regulate digital markets, control tech giants, and establish and enforce clear rules for financial market players. I am committed to combating tax avoidance and money laundering, working hand-in-hand with our European policymakers in the Bundestag, the SPD’s European Affairs Working Group in the state parliament, and the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe.
My work towards these goals takes place within the committees for Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Economic and Monetary Affairs, and the Legal Affairs Committee. Allow me to briefly introduce each of these committees.

My Committees in the European Parliament
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON)
The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) deals with economic policy, monetary policy, tax and competition policy, free movement of capital, and the regulation of banks, insurance companies, stock exchanges, and pension funds – in short, the European financial market. These are all issues that are particularly important to us Social Democrats. After all, they relate to what we see as the fundamental goal of a socially just distribution of wealth.
ECON deals with various issues, including recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, combating tax evasion, and improving transparency for hedge funds. For years, we Social Democrats have been advocating for comprehensive regulation of the European financial market. This issue is not only of central importance for the common eurozone, but for the future of the European Project in and of itself.
Currently, I am specifically engaged with the Corporate Due Diligence Directive, for which I have been appointed rapporteur for the opinion due in ECON. The objective of this directive is to improve the protection of human rights and the environment within the value chains of European companies and create a level playing field in the EU internal market. Companies must be held accountable for human rights violations, child labor, forced labor, and environmental violation. I place a particular emphasis on the critical importance of designating financial institutions as a high-risk sector within this framework.
Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI)
The European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) deliberates pivotal decisions that directly impact the citizens of Europe. As MEPs, we grapple with matters pertaining to civil, commercial, and corporate law, along with the crucial role of the European Parliament as a plaintiff in cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union, championing the protection of Parliament’s rights. While these issues may initially appear abstract, it’s essential to recognize that law serves as a potent tool for shaping our socio-political values and ideas, profoundly influencing the daily lives of all Europeans.
In the realm of my committee responsibilities, I address intricate questions that have substantial implications for consumers. For instance, I delve into the complexities of determining the applicable law when claims are transferred, such as a mortgage loan from a German bank to a UK-based institution. Decisions in these areas wield significant influence on consumers’ interests, reinforcing the Social Democratic commitment to crafting standards that prioritize fairness and safeguard the rights of the less powerful entities in these legal relationships.
Another area of particular importance to me pertains to the role of the European Parliament as an appellant before the Court of Justice of the European Union. This authority strengthens the Parliament’s role and, by extension, enhances the democratic fabric of our Union. In practical terms, it empowers the European Parliament to initiate legal actions, including the nullification of legal acts. For instance, this authority could have been invoked in the case of the contentious taxonomy regulation, which exhibited both substantive and procedural flaws but ultimately faltered during the plenary session of the Parliament.

In my political endeavors, I deeply value input and engagement from constituents and fellow citizens. As a representative in the European Parliament, I am first and foremost an advocate for my homeland. Therefore, I wholeheartedly welcome your active participation and encourage you to reach out and connect with me. Together, we can shape a Europe that aligns with our shared values and aspirations.